Thursday, April 9, 2020


Not too many people like change. When you're forced into a path where change is needed then you have no choice but to accept it. You need to make the best of it. Then you have the type of change you seek. This is the fun, adventurous type. Well, at least that's how I look at it.

Everything that is happening in the world today must be taken seriously. This is a forced change and yes it does take a huge toll on your mentality as well as your body.  You have to make some changes in your life that will keep you having one. Follow the laws, stay inside, shop alone, etc. No one likes all the sudden change but it something that needs to be done.

When you're making changes on your own they can sometimes be challenging yet still worth trying. You can move across the country such as I. You can start a new job and it can turn out to be the best or worse ever. No one will know unless you make the change you seek.

So, there are many ways to deal with change. No,we don't like it when it's forced on us. When you are ready to make that change you will experience a whole new level of satisfaction. So do what you need to do for yourself. Do what you must be done to protect your family & others. When the time comes; because it will come. You will feel great when you know you're ready to conquer the world.

Having said this all. I like to let all of my readers, followers, stalkers, haters, fans, friends and family know my changes. I have none. LOL.  I got you. The only change I am going through is menopause. (Just thought I'd add a little humor)

The only thing that I changed was my blog title. I went back to original name of "Keeping It Real" because at the end of the day; that is what I enjoy doing in my blogs. I will continue writing on relationships through this blog for myself. I am not limited, nor controlled or forced to change my words. This is something I choose for myself. I enjoy being able to write whatever my mind conjures up. (hence my erotic novels).  A week ago I promised a juicy chapter from the book. I will keep my word and post here in my blog a chapter or two; perhaps even three all for FREE. You DON'T NEED to have a google or blogger account to read or comment.

So, stay tuned for all my blogs and or ___________ ?  Hope you all enjoy..

Till Tomorrow stay safe everyone.. )0(

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