Sunday, April 3, 2016

Interviews & Social Media Checks

Do you remember the words "background check" when you've applied for employment positions? Many people who are out of work & actively searching will or have occasionally come across these words. When you know you have a history that will show up on record many will choose not to apply. The search continues. Next!
A criminal history is exactly that; your history. No one is perfect; everyone has made some mistakes in life. If you have corrected the era of your ways; more power to you. You always have that option of sealing your record if possible. Check with your states requirements. Many people deserve a second chance. However that doesn't seem to be the main concern for some employers today.

I have taken some serious notes on matters that I have personally endured the past 2 years which made me write this blog. 
It has come to the point where certain employers are more interested in doing a social media check. Really? Is this what the world has come too? Employers are more concerned how you behave on social media rather than the type of skills you have for the position you're applying for. Don't get me wrong. I understand searching some history on all potential employees if I owned my own business also. However; I would rather do a criminal search instead of a social media check. I don't think a future employee would write on facebook or tweet that they just stole some cash out of the register at their job. Employers are looking at your "CURRENT" behavior on social media. They're looking at your photos & everything else you make public. So, maybe it's not a good idea to post dozens of selfies. It's also not very smart to post half naked pics of your new outfit, or you chugging alcohol. And last but not least it is best to keep your twerking videos to yourself. I don't think employers really care if you can twerk or not.
When it comes to tweets, snapchat, youtube you should be extremely cautious as to what you post about yourself. Everyone is ALWAYS watching. You may think a 1 minute snap chat video or face time rant or a spur of the moment you tube video was just for fun. It can ruin your chances at being hired by any employer. It is sad to say that this is exactly what is happening in the job market today. I personally have been questioned on it. I was asked on an interview few months ago. "I do a social media check on all my applicants. Is there anything I should be concerned about?"  I was really shocked at that question. I have never heard of such a thing until that moment. My response was to quickly giggle & say "I am a published author & very well known writer. I am all over the internet but you will not see any videos of me twerking." The employer laughed & said I still have to check. I nodded my head with approval. A few months later (still doing research) I went to meet someone who was interested in me being a ghost writer for their blog; which of course I would never do but was intrigued by the aspect of it all. When I walked in the office I literally seen this person searching my name on facebook. Really? What the hell? Little did they realize they were searching the wrong name. WoW. This truly had me going. I spoke briefly about this to few other people and they themselves were surprised. How long has this been happening?
Seriously, is this the reason why certain people have not found employment? Is social media killing your job search? What do you do? Do you remove yourselves from what you consider to be social enjoyment? Everyone has a right to privacy. No one, No job, No employer should judge you on your social media activity. This is truly ridiculous. I understand why you're searching for a persons history but shouldn't you be contacting former employers rather than checking their status updates, photos & likes? 

On another note. What is with going on interviews, to be called back to come in for a "working interview" of course without pay only never to be heard from again or worse 2 weeks later to be told they chose another candidate? Get your shit together employers. Maybe you should follow others and do a social media check before offering working interviews. 
So yes world this is what it has come down to. I am not saying that you should remove your accounts because everyone has a right to do as they wish. Simply BE CAUTIOUS (if you're searching for employment) at what you do on ALL social media. Guess this is the new way of today's world.
Till tomorrow everyone... )0(

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Book Update

As many of you know of  My Books  and this blog as well as the  Online Magazines  I write with. I have spent an excessive amount of time try...