Monday, September 1, 2014

30 days later

An entire month has gone by and I refrained from blogging anything in order to heal. I needed some clarity on certain matters. Life is hard enough as it is without adding more unnecessary conflicts to it.

I celebrated another year of life. My birthday was in August, I am now 48 years old and still trying to understand life. LoL, I think everytime we survive another day should be understood it's a blessing & not something to be explained.

I had a very rough 30 days or so (more like 2 months). I had to come to terms with some horrible situations I had put myself in. After years of living a "Self-help" lifestyle I had come to accept the REALITY that I couldn't fight any longer on my own. I seeked the help I needed. It's very difficult to see myself at this level in life. I have come a long way and (only I & few others understand) when I say "I feel like I went backwards in life".  I had to stop thinking that way. In no shape or form have I done so. I did the smart thing and sought out assistance.

Well, it's been approximately 18 days since then and all I can say is that I have been taking it one day at a time and I'm still here surviving each day. I'm sure eventually everything will fall back into place or at least get better but for now, this moment I am handling it.

I have a slight headache today but decided to write and see how it would go, so here I am doing so. I don't have much else to say today and I thank y'all for reading my blogs in advance. I truly am overwhelmed with all the messages and emails from you. It means a lot to me. Thank you for your support.

I will blog again soon, maybe tomorrow or day after, hopefully I will be ready to "Vent Virally."

Neena44....... )0(


Book Update

As many of you know of  My Books  and this blog as well as the  Online Magazines  I write with. I have spent an excessive amount of time try...