Monday, January 21, 2013


So, I'm extremely happy (well, somewhat) at the fact that I made the right choice by leaving the job I had.  I know how hard it is these days to find employment but I would also like to receive a paycheck when due. Yes, he still owes me another 3 weeks. I was smart and made copies of my timecards. It is unfortunate that it came down to this; but whatever I am all TOO familiar with bogus employers who take advantage of rates, hours, employees just to save a few dollars for themselves.
So, back to the drawing board. I will begin my search once again; however I have only found 2 postings that have caught my attention. This time around I will look at positions I never thought were for me, knowing now that I am capable of performing the duties and will not look into areas in my neighborhood where I know the pay is horrible.
So, besides all the employment issues I was having. I spent the weekend celebrating my BFF pre-birthday celebration and it was literally the most fun I have had in awhile. I was laughing & giggling all that I could. (Deep inside I was hiding my hair loss emotional pain & decided I would just dance & laugh the night away.) It was a hell of a night, perhaps a little too much fun where as my BFF said her liver hurts. I responded with "Ditto" so alcohol may not be part of my future for awhile.

So, last week after finally getting over the flu with a bronchial infection. A few days later I was given the Flu shot and now I am sick as a dog AGAIN !!! WTH. I literally have no energy, a slight fever, stuffy, runny nose and SUPER sore throat, it hurts to speak. :(  No worries, I'm a trooper and will get over it; just sucks I feel like I've been sick for a month. Oh well, extra vitamin c. :)
So, I had asked my partner to turn off the television to have a conversation where I wanted his undivided attention. So, I told him of my concern and opened up to him a part of my insecurites. I got not response. Was that something I shouldn't have done? Oh well I felt I had to explain to him of what was going on inside my head and heart. For me this was a good thing.
So, after a long week & weekend I have only seen of myself that I am a trooper, stand up for what's right and what I believe should be fair. I will eventually find the right place to work (if that is even possible), all I know is that I will not have ANYONE take advantage of me in any shape or form.
So, till tomorrow...........................................................................)0(


  1. Awesome!! Always saying what you feel to the one you love is good no matter if they don't know what to say back....

  2. Awesome!! Always saying what you feel to the one you love is good no matter if they don't know what to say back....


Book Update

As many of you know of  My Books  and this blog as well as the  Online Magazines  I write with. I have spent an excessive amount of time try...